3 Tech Trends That Will Define 2022

Covid-19 catapulted our society into a far more digitally connected world, but much of the evolution was driven by necessity. 

According to Forbes Magazine, in 2022 we will continue to see acceleration of digital and virtual reality technology but “the need for sustainability, ever-increasing data volumes, and increasing compute and network speeds will begin to regain their status as the most important drivers of digital transformation”.

These are some of the big tech trends we can expect to see growing in 2022. 

Artificial Intelligence
AI has already begun transforming our lives in innumerable ways, often when we can’t even see it, but now AI will begin to underpin and integrate into all the tools we use on a day-to-day basis – from phones to cars to toys and even toilets. As AI takes over the heavy lifting with automation of things like admin, logistics, accounting, and HR and even IT support, it has the potential to make lives simpler at home and work. 

Virtual Reality (VR) & Augmented Reality (AR)
These technologies have been historically used for gaming but in 2022 we will see more people immersed in VR environments or engaging in AR-enhanced spaces. We see them being used to great potential in training, education, marketing and even healthcare. With Meta leading the charge to create the first virtual world or Metaverse, we could soon be socialising, buying and creating in the VR world with increasingly tactile and sensorial features including smells!

Greater tech transparency & accountability 
We have already been witnessing greater pushback from people against big tech and potentially dangerous, irresponsible, or even malicious misuse of technology. This will only increase as time goes on and more governments begin to institute laws to protect its citizens against things like data misuse and manipulation online. As AI begins to dominate our tech spaces, citizens will need to understand what it does and how and Tech companies using AI will need to walk a fine line between innovation and exploitation and be held accountable by society. 

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