Full-Time Outsourced Engineers

After a Merger and Acquisition, a Client Urgently Needed to Scale Their Senior IT Team to Manage Their Infrastructure and Support Their Users


Following a merger and acquisition, our client faced an urgent need to scale their Senior IT team to effectively manage their expanded infrastructure and provide support to 600 users. The internal team was overstretched and unable to cope with the increased demand, risking potential service disruptions and inefficiencies after they lost access to their old support team at the last minute.


Supportwave provided 3 full-time outsourced engineers, specifically selected for their expertise and ability to integrate seamlessly with the client's existing IT department the next day following their initial request. These engineers quickly took on critical roles, managing the infrastructure and providing user support across the newly merged entities.

Client Quote:

"Supportwave's outsourced engineers have been a lifesaver for us during this critical transition period. Their rapid integration into our team and their ability to manage our complex infrastructure has been impressive. We couldn't have managed this merger as smoothly without their support."

This case study illustrates how Supportwave's full-time outsourced engineers can help organisations manage significant transitions in an extremely short time frame by providing the necessary expertise and capacity to maintain and enhance IT infrastructure and user support.

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