
Freelance Economy 2.0: How The Freelance Economy Is Transitioning From A Gig Economy To A Strategic Sourcing Channel

The freelance economy has seen rapid growth the past 3 years. Remote work. The great resignation. Even layoffs supported the shift to companies turning to freelancers as in Q4 of 2022, Resume Builder reported that 40% of companies are hiring contractors to replace laid off workers and 53% moved full-time workers to contract positions.

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Smart Strategy: Supportwave, leading IT Network

This edition’s Smart Strategy is Supportwave, an IT Freelancer Network that quickly scaled to a 5,000+ technician network and consistently delivers over 3,000 IT support skills in under 30 seconds with an average 4.6 score on trust pilot. We’re highlighting Supportwave because they cover 4 important trends; (1) verticalization, specifically serving the niche skill sets within IT, (2) scalability, specifically the ability to scale support globally, (3) global-local coverage, specifically the ability to provide local expertise, and (4) being enterprise ready.

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